Tooth Eruption

Understanding Your Child’s Dental Development

Did you know your child's primary teeth begin forming even before birth? Around the fourth month of pregnancy, these tiny teeth start developing. By the time your baby is six months old, you might see the first baby tooth (typically a lower front tooth) making its appearance. By age three, your child should have all 20 primary teeth.

Transitioning to Permanent Teeth

Around age six, your child's permanent teeth begin to emerge, starting with the first molars and lower central incisors. This process continues until about age 21. Adults usually have 28 permanent teeth, or up to 32 including wisdom teeth.

Early Dental Care Tips

Before your baby's first tooth appears, gently clean their gums with a warm, clean washcloth after each meal. Once the first tooth erupts, use a soft toothbrush to help them get used to oral hygiene. Avoid fluoridated toothpaste if your child swallows toothpaste. Teaching healthy dental habits early on sets the stage for better oral health in the future.

Contact Us Today

If you’re in or around Phoenix, AZ, and have questions about your child's dental development, call our office today! Our expert pediatric dentists are here to help ensure your child's smile stays bright and healthy.

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