Essential Oral Hygiene Tips for Adolescents: A Guide for Phoenix Families

Adolescent Oral Hygiene

Adolescence is a critical period for oral hygiene. By their teenage years, kids will have lost all their baby teeth and replaced them with permanent teeth. Additionally, oral hygiene habits established during adolescence often continue into adulthood. Teaching adolescents to follow a healthy diet not only benefits their physical fitness but also helps them maintain strong teeth and healthy gums.

Fruits and Vegetables

Parents know that eating broccoli is important, but did you know it can keep teeth and gums healthy, too? At Children’s Dental Land, we recommend eating plenty of crunchy fruits and vegetables, such as broccoli, carrots, celery, apples, and pears, to increase saliva production. Saliva helps brush away bad bacteria that produce acids that wear away tooth enamel.

Avoid Acidic Foods

While fruits like oranges, tomatoes, grapefruit, lemons, and berries are healthy, they can also wear away the enamel of your teeth. To prevent dental problems, it’s essential to brush after each meal or rinse with mouthwash to remove excess acid from your mouth.

Choose Sugar-Free Foods

Candies and treats loaded with sugar can be harmful to your child’s dental health. If you have a sweet tooth, opt for sugar-free substitutes. Chewing sugar-free gum or drinking sugar-free beverages is better for teeth as these sugar substitutes don’t wear away enamel.

Watch the Beverages

Soda is notorious for damaging teeth, but other sugary beverages can be just as harmful. Many fruit juices, even those labeled 100% fruit, contain high amounts of sugar. Similarly, energy drinks are packed with sugar. When possible, choose water or milk. If your child craves a hot drink, opt for tea instead of hot chocolate or a sugary latte.

Incorporate Dairy Products

Teeth rely on calcium and other minerals to stay strong. Encourage your child to drink milk or consume dairy products like yogurt, cottage cheese, and cheese to get their daily calcium. For those who can’t tolerate dairy, calcium-fortified soy milk or orange juice are good alternatives.

Contact Us Today

For more information on adolescent oral hygiene or to schedule an appointment, contact Children’s Dental Land in Phoenix, AZ. Our team is dedicated to helping your child maintain a healthy, bright smile.